Segmentation: Membership Moves Medicine


Most of the solicitation messages were rather generic and sent to all physicians. AMA’s Membership Moves Medicine is a sizable media campaign that targeted physicians based on their interests. The campaign drew heavily on segmentation and clustering work that I initiated.

Model and Use: 

The inspiration for this segmentation model came from Netflix. Netflix, based on our past movie picks, would offer relevant content. By classifying email’s subject lines that physicians clicked on into clusters and larger groupings, analytics helped AMA better understand physician’s interests and allowed development of hypertargeted interest-based campaigns. Here is the diagram that broadly describes the classification process.


At the highest level all who clicked on email’s subject lines were categorized into three groups: Advocacy, Clinical and Practice Improvement. Below are excerpts from a booklet that targets specific segments.

Example of the hypertargeted message sent to physicians who clicked on articles about insurance mergers:
